package com.lz.demo { import flare.basic.Scene3D; import flare.basic.Viewer3D; import flare.core.Label3D; import flare.core.Pivot3D; import flare.system.* //Input3D import flash.display.*; import flash.events.Event; public class demo_anim extends Sprite { private var scene:Scene3D; private var model:Pivot3D; private var walk:Label3D; private var run:Label3D; public static const WALK:String="walk"; public static const RUN:String="run"; public function demo_anim() { stage.scaleMode=StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align=StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; scene=new Viewer3D(this); walk=new Label3D(WALK, 0, 41); run=new Label3D(RUN, 50, 74); scene.addEventListener(Scene3D.COMPLETE_EVENT, completeEvent); model=scene.addChildFromFile("../resources/player.f3d"); } protected function completeEvent(event:Event):void { model.addLabel(walk); model.addLabel(run); model.gotoAndPlay(WALK); scene.addEventListener(Scene3D.UPDATE_EVENT, updateEvent); } protected function updateEvent(event:Event):void { // stop the model animation. if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.S ) ) model.stop(); // resume the model animation. if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.P ) ) model.play(); // play certain animation label and blend between the animations. if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.NUMBER_1 ) ) model.gotoAndPlay( WALK, 15 ); if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.NUMBER_2 ) ) model.gotoAndPlay( RUN, 15 ); if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.NUMBER_3 ) ) model.gotoAndStop( 0, 10 ); // increment and decrement frameSpeed. if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.NUMPAD_ADD ) ) model.frameSpeed += 0.5; if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT ) ) model.frameSpeed -= 0.5; // reset the frameSpeed. if ( Input3D.keyHit( Input3D.R ) ) model.frameSpeed = 1; } } }
posted on 2012-02-13 10:54 阅读( ...) 评论( ...)